Veterans Affairs Acquisition Academy (VAAA)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Registration
FAQ Categories:
Blackboard Learn | Blackboard Collaborate Ultra | Adobe Connect | General | Attendance | Accessibility | Certification | Registration | Toolkits | Communities of Practice
- How do I register for a class?
- I really enjoyed the instructor for my class. When will they be teaching the next class in this series?
- When can I register for the next class in this series?
1. How do I register for a class?
Registration for classes is accomplished at CornerStone On Demand (CSOD).
2. I really enjoyed the instructor for my class. When will they be teaching the next class in this series?
Instructor assignments are fluid, and all instructors are equally qualified. Please register for a course that meets your schedule.
3. When can I register for the next class in this series?
Registration for classes is accomplished at CornerStone On Demand (CSOD).